SpanglefishIntercountry Families | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

We are a group of parents and children in families which are formed through inter-country adoption.
We meet together as families with the aim of building a support network for our children; providing the opportunity for friendships to be established among them, so that as they grow they will have the possibility of a network of friends who understand their particular life experiences. The group is non country specific, and at present there is no membership of this group but we may look to develop this.
Our events have been Scottish based so far.
We aim to build this network through an annual residential weekend, and meetings throughout the year.
What about confidentiality and privacy?

We ask all families to respect both the child’s need for privacy and other families’ right to privacy and we hope that the weekends will be an opportunity for families to share experiences with the expectation that others will treat any information shared as confidential.

Editors notes: Other events
As well as the weekends, and to help our children keep in touch, we aim to meet twice a year, the details of the June and September meeting are available throught the links on the left.
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