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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 23/02/2010.


What are people saying about you and your business on Twitter and Facebook?
How many customers have you missed out on this year because you’re not using social media properly?
What’s your main competitor doing on Linked In that’s helping him/her get ahead of you?
If you’re NOT using social media (Twitter, Facebook, Linked In etc) properly in your business then you’re almost certainly losing business and you’ll have no idea about the answers to these questions!
The fact is social media is changing the whole way society communicates and changing the way people choose what to buy and where to go. Right now, as you read this, there are thousands of people in your area – your potential customers – using Facebook and Twitter. And it’s not just the kids. If your target market is between the age of 25 and 45 then they’re using social media in their thousands. The fastest growing segment on Facebook in 2010 was the over 50’s!
FACT: Social media is where the people are. Everyday.
FACT: It’s easy (when you know what to do) to engage with people via Twitter and Facebook and turn them into paying customers…
FACT: It’s free.
FACT: Most businesses in the UK are either not using social media at all or else are dabbling with it because they don’t know what to do. Neither are smart strategies.
FACT: Those businesses that are using social media properly are getting ahead of their competitors, are growing more quickly and have miles better relationships and reputations with their customers.
So what should you do?
The new Social Media Blueprints for Business is a brilliant online training module specifically put together for UK business owners to enable you to make the most of the opportunities that social media presents.
It will teach you everything you need to know
about how to use social media effectively in your business.
You can go through the training, step-by-step, in your own time and at your own pace.
You can do it from your own home or office – no need to travel.
Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced dabbler(!) the new Social Media Blueprints for Business will help you get on the right track so that your business isn’t left languishing behind in the social media revolution that we’re in the midst of right now.
Who’s it for?
• If you know nothing about Twitter or Facebook – then the new Social Media Blueprints for Business are perfect for you. No previous knowledge is required.
• If you’ve dabbled with social media a bit in the past but found it unfulfilling or confusing – then the new Social Media Blueprints for Business are perfect for you.
• If you’re serious about the future of your business and you recognise the seismic shift that social media is creating in the way we communicated and act – then the new Social Media Blueprints for Business are perfect for you.
What’s in the Blueprints.
The Blueprints are all delivered online via a secure member-only website. Once you’ve invested in your training you’ll be given your own private log-in so you can go through the training in your own time and at your own pace. The modules are available 24/7. Multiple-user licenses are available so different people within a company or organisation can all benefit from the training.
Module 1
Why social media matters so much to your business and how it’s changing everything that you thought you knew…
- crystal clear, simple explanations
Module 2
How to use Twitter effectively to grow your business
- includes step-by-step instructions from setting up accounts to becoming a Twitter Master in less than 6 minutes a day
Module 3
How to use your Facebook profile AND your Facebook Fan Pages to grow your business
- includes step-by-step instructions on everything your business needs to benefit from Facebook – the most used website on the planet.
Module 4
Linked In – includes step-by-step instructions on what to do and how to do it effectively to build your business using the world’s premier B2B networking tool. Linked In is brilliant and it can transform your business if you sell B2B.
Module 5
You Tube – the most under-used social media by businesses. On its own it can skyrocket your leads and web traffic and explode your conversion rates. The module includes everything you need to know about using video and You Tube to drive traffic to your website and boost your organic rankings
Module 6
Foursquare – the new kid on the block – absolutely essential if you’re in retail or have a restaurant or bar – includes step-by-step instructions that will guide you through every step of the way.
Module 7
Your Blog – It’s the centre of your world online. Why it matters, how to do it, what to blog about and the best software to use are all covered.
Price £249
To get access to the new 2011 Social Media Blueprints for Business contact:
us on 01743 456118 or Mobile 07583108686
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