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CSA UK - Growing the Movement in Wales and the UK
21 January 2013

CSA UK - Growing the Movement in Wales and the UK

23 February 2013, 10.15am – 5.00pm, with evening social
Riverside Market Garden, Coed Hills, nr Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales

All those involved in CSAs at a grassroots level, from all the UK regions, are invited to join together for this day hosted by Riverside Market Garden. This will be a seminal moment in the establishment of an independent UK CSA Network such as Miramap in France.

There is also a Ceilidh/Twmpath lined up in the evening, so we hope you will be able to stay and celebrate. The day event will be free (funded by Federation of City Farmers and Community Gardens and Organic Centre Wales).

Please follow the external link to the page on the FCFCG website below for more information and to book.

Please book your place by 18 February.
Please contact Rupert Dunn if you have any questions about the day: t: 01834 869 927 m: 07787 773 437

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