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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.
Growing Our Future spruce up Sat 16th Feb
21 January 2013

Growing Our Future (Okehampton College) are having a spring garden spruce up!! Join them on Saturday 16th Feb from 10-4pm

As you may have heard, phase one of our new building has been completed and we are now the proud users of a fantastic and beautiful outdoor classroom! So now the standards have been set so high the gardens are in need of some TLC! There are a number of jobs that will need undertaking, so everyone, big and small is welcome.

There will be a fire and some delicious soup for a potluck lunch.
Please feel free to drop in for an hour or two or spend the whole day with us. If you have any garden tools that you could bring along, that would be great and a contribution to our shared lunch.

If you would like any more information, don’t hesitate to give us a
call on 07903 12 11 46.


WikanikoWork from Home
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