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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.
Course: Writing Effective Minutes + Chairing Meetings Effectively
16 November 2012

As part of Exeter CVS's training programme, they are running two courses that may be of interest to HogCO members, particularly if you are recently elected or are part of a newly formed committee. They are run on the same day (one in the morning, and the other in the afternoon), so you could attend both if you wanted to.

Writing Effective Minutes

23 Jan 2013, 09:30-12:30

£50 (CVS Members £25)

Learn the techniques and templates to accurately record the relevant points; make sure those who couldn’t attend don’t miss out, and ensure that action points are followed up.

To book a place on this course please visit: or call 01392 202055

Chairing Meetings Effectively

23 Jan 2013, 13:00-16:00

£50 (CVS Members £25)

Simple techniques to keep your meetings interesting, fair and useful.  Learn to set a relevant agenda, run the meeting to time, and make sure everyone has their say.

To book a place online please visit:,.uk or call 01392 202055

Please contact HogCO if you are interested in attending either of these sessions but need assistance with the fees.

WikanikoWork from Home
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