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Support on the law relating to small-scale food production
27 February 2012

A new website has been commissioned and is in the design stage scheduled for completion at the end of March 2012.

News, information and support on the law as it relates to artisan and small scale food producers and retailers

Artisan Food Law is being developed as a resource to provide news, information and support on the law from the perspective of artisan and small scale food producers and retailers. The site is currently little more than a holding page but you have the opportunity to influence how it develops. If you are an artisan food producer or retailer with questions or issues that frustrate you about the law and how it applies to your work speak out. The initial scope of the subjects to be covered are listed on the Food Law page.

This site has been published now to help ensure that it will in the future meet the needs of artisan and small scale food producers and retailers, and those who aspire to create or sell artisan food products but who may be feeling a little daunted by the task, not least because of the regulatory framework they will have to live within.

The fully functional website being developed will not look like this website. The design work is underway and content is being developed. If you would like to receive notification when the site is formally launched or if you wish to suggest subject areas or pose questions that you would like to see addressed, please complete the form below with your comments and suggestions. Your priorities will determine content development priorities.


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