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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.
Delivering sensory farm visits for disabled visitors
09 January 2012

LEAF will be delivering workshops across the UK focusing on sensory learning experiences on farms- the one in the South West is scheduled for Friday 16th March 2012 in Somerset. Please see below for further details (please note this is not a HogCO event).

The forthcoming 'Let Nature Feed Your Senses' regional training events are open to any farmer interested in hosting powerful sensory farm visits for visitors with a range of disabilities. Sensory activity ideas will be presented that help communicate the links between food, farming and nature.

Details about the events are here

We will need to limit numbers and so places will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. As explained in the weblink, bookings need to be made with Carol in the LEAF office. There is no charge to participate, but we are asking for a £10 donation on the day to cover refreshments.

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