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Japanese Knotweed - essential information you should know.
12 April 2010

This has come from an enquiry to the Environment Agency.  Please read if you are having problems with Japanese Knotweed.

Japanese knotweed was introduced to the UK in the 19th century as an ornamental plant. It has become a serious problem in a range of habitats, particularly roadsides, riverbanks and derelict land by displacing native flora and causing structural damage.

It spreads by vegetative means, either by root fragments, or by the base of the stem and stem segments. The majority of Japanese knotweed has been spread by riverbank erosion and by mans' activities such as fly tipping garden waste and moving contaminated soil. Mechanical flails and mowers will also spread the plant.

Responsibility for dealing with invasive weeds lies with individual landowners. Japanese knotweed is not a reportable weed and widespread control is currently not the sole responsibility of any statutory organisation. Landowners have a responsibility to control any invasive weeds, although they are not legally obliged to remove them since the natural growth and spread of these plants is not an illegal activity.

However, it is illegal to knowingly cause the spread of them (i.e. by incorrect methods of removal or disposal) although this is very difficult to prove. Incorrect removal methods may become enforceable as a wastes issue although, again, it would be difficult to prove. In these cases, landowners are often prosecuted under a civil action.

More information on what Japanese knotweed looks like, how to control it and dispose of it can found by clicking on the links below:

Netregs - Control & Disposal of Japanese Knotweed

Japanese Knotweed Alliance

Advice on managing Japanese Knotweed

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