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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.
Halberton Growers give an orchard a hair cut!
13 February 2010

It was bitterly cold but members of the Halberton Growers Association met at East Manley Farm on the 13th February to take part in a HogCO course on how to look after and prune fruit trees.  The course was delivered by David Loder who is an absolutely fantastic trainer and HogCO are delighted to have found him!!!

The day started with a health and safety check, and safe use of sharp tools, ladders and so on and then the group braved the biting wind to take on a small orchard of both young and mature apple and pear trees.

The group learnt how to identify the age of the wood, fruiting buds, canker and other diseases and how to prune the tree to ensure that it remains healthy and produces a good crop of fruit.

"I enjoyed the course on Saturday last - I learnt a lot" said one member.

Halberton Growers are planting their new orchard on Saturyday 20th February at their site behind the village hall so if you want to get involved planting starts at 11am.  for more information please click on the link below.

WikanikoWork from Home
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