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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

Sampford Peverell Sustainable Villages

'Making the Most of Local Food Resources'


Who we are

We aim to research and then communicate to our community how to make the most of local food resources. Many gardeners/allotment holders have seasonal surpluses of produce, some of which goes to waste when it could be preserved for consumption later.

Sustainable Villages already owns apple-pressing equipment and holds apple pressing events to which anyone can bring their surplus fruit for juicing. The group now wants to extend this ethos into other garden produce and 'wildfood'. We hope to identify local people who possess the necessary skills (e.g. bottling, pickling) and then hold an open event at which they share these skills with others. This will be followed up by a digital leaflet on food preservation tips. The event and leaflet will be free to anyone. A second aspect of the project will be to establish community bee-keeping on a trial site in Sampford Peverell churchyard for which the PCC has given permission.

We aim to:

  • Organise and publicise a skills-sharing event
  • Purchase a food dehydrator for demonstration at the skill-sharing event and then make this available for loan to members of the community
  • Restore some beehives which the group has been given, and purchase some of the additional equipment needed.


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