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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

Diggin It - Plymouth

 the two polytunnels

Diggin' It was establised in 2006, and is run by the Routeways charity in the heart of Plymouth in Stoke. It is a community garden growing and selling vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers, on unused allotment land that has been made available by Plymouth City Council. 

The site borders a housing association flats and allotment sites managed by the City Council. When volunteers first found the site it was a mess of brambles - this is hard to imagine when you enter the colourful, productive and welcoming garden it is now.

Diggin' It provides volunteering and skills development opportunities for all, with special emphasis on the vulnerable and socially disadvantaged. They also run many activities for school groups.  Dave Sharp, who showed HogCO around, was passionate that anyone and everyone is welcome to come and volunteer - there are no labels to differentiate between people of different backgrounds and abilities.   

 raised bed fruit bushes, bordering one of Plymouth's allotment plots

Diggin' It grows to the Soil Association's organic standards, although it is not formally accredited.  The site, lovingly designed by Dave Sharp, boasts two polytunnels, veg beds, fruit bushes, wildlife pond, willow coppicing area, schools area, open-air classroom, indoor meeting room, office, small shop, outdoor picnic & seating area and lots of facilities to make people feel welcome.

Some produce is sold to local retailers but the project largely relies on the Lottery's Local Food Funding.  Dave highlighted that the emphasis of thier work is to support people who come with whatever thier needs are, rather than insisting that people labour hard so that the project achieves financial stability through veg sales.  Dave has heard volunteers refer to the garden as 'a real sanctuary'.   

 rhubarb and raspberries

Diggin It works with people referred from a range of agencies (A4e, Probation, CVS), local residents and keen Plymouth growers.  Two full time and one part time staff member keep the project working, helping & supporting teachers, parents, children and disadvantaged groups to build their own gardens and grow their own food by running educational, fun and inspiring sessions at the Diggin' It site and at their own sites.

Their outreach programme enables schools and communities to learn how to grow and cook their own food, understand the nutritional benefits of fresh, organically grown produce and enhance their breadth of growing knowledge through composting, recycling and attracting beneficial wildlife to the garden. 

 cob oven

 About 30 volunteers currently use the site, and Diggin It offers volunteers discounts on veg produce, eligibility for some coveted allotments on site and a range of certificates once certain skills are mastered. Positive partnerships exist with Plymouth Uni, the City Council and other growing projects. 

Try and visit if you can, and volunteers are always welcome! 

 wildlife pond


 veg beds ready for spring planting


 space to sit and relax


 sensory garden


 compost loo


 raised beds


 Sophia and Mike enjoying the warmth in the polytunnel


 winter salad crops


 an early asparagus crop in a polytunnel


 spring growth of globe artichokes


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