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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

Tedburn St Mary Primary School


LATEST NEWS - September 2011

We have already got a good vegetable garden which has produced many vegetables and fruit for the children to pick and eat over the summer term and into the autumn term. The after school gardening club has been very popular with children in the school and some parents have also volunteered to help out.
The plan is to maintain the vegetable garden through the gardening club, but to get other volunteers such as parents or young farmers to help create the school sensory garden. We will need help weeding and levelling out the garden, then help to create the separate areas of the garden.

As a school we are going to be fundraising throughout the term to keep the money situation ticking over.

Who we are

We aim to:

  • create a school and community garden that can be used for curriculum experiences for school children of all ages
  • have a sensory garden which attracts wildlife
  • develop our vegetable garden into a working garden for the children to grow, maintain and eat what they grow!
  • create a quiet place to go and read a book.

April 2011

We are currently working with HogCO to develop a design for the vegetable and sensory gardens and integrate the two ares. We have also recently planted lots of native trees, donated to us by the Woodland Trust. HogCO came and helped the children learn how to plant them properly.

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