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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

Walled Garden Project, Escot Park


About the Project:

We are based in the walled garden at Escot Park, growing organically and providing information on using permaculture methods. Our primary aim is to offer members of the local community the opportunity to grow in a communal setting.

People of all ages are welcome. Our 'family' membership means that our age range is from 3 - 60+ and consideration is being made towards meeting all these varying needs.

The project is very much about sharing knowledge, skills and responsibilities. All members are welcome to attend monthly meetings and decisions are made collectively.

We hold open days ( including apple juice pressing and planting pumpkins) which are advertised through the local school network and press. These reflect our desire to make the garden a vibrant, attractive and educational resource for both the local community and the many thousands of visitors to Escot.

Latest news

Feb 2012 (see below for earlier news)

A very good growing season was completed with our second Apple Day in October. This was a lovely, well supported event and reflects how more people coming to Escot are now coming to see the growing we are doing. All our plots are now taken up - in fact we're still getting interest and are starting to have people joining us to help with the communal aspect of the garden. We have a great mix of people - in terms of skills, knowledge, ages and reasons for being involved. Although our name has changed our ethos is essentailly the same - although we are now more organic rather than following permaculture principles. We're about to start our regular work party days - continuing to renew our perimeter fence to keep the peacocks out - though we might need something a little more robust as our very own Peter Rabbit appeared in the summer!!!

March 2011

We are busy planting our mini-allotment beds for the coming growing season. There are a few plots left, so we would welcome some new members. We have recently made contact with HogCO and with their help we are hoping to offer some workshops on growing food organically this summer.

May 2011

22 Brownies from the Ottery St Mary Brownie Pack visited the garden on Tuseday evening to do some work for their gardening badge. We gave them a tour of the garden, talked to them about different growing conditions, crops, organic growing, etc. They also planted a pumpkin or sunflower to take home and planted potatoes and a row of beans in the garden which we are going to keep them updated on and they will hopefully be able to use later on in the year. See pictures below!

WikanikoWork from Home
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