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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

The Coxall's project

Latest news April 2012

Guy is now involved with a project that aims to produce organic, nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable boxes for children with cancer, partnering up with a children's charity that supports children with cancer. 

Guy says 'We have 5 acres of land on which to grow and we urgently need well rotted horse manure/compost at a reasonable price. We are based in Tiverton and have access to a pick up truck. Any help in finding a local supplier would be greatly appreciated'.

If you want to support this project please contact

Guy Coxall

Who we are

We aim to provide an area of land, accessible to the local community, so that group members have the opportunity to learn new skills in a safe and friendly environment.

As well as learning new skills and knowledge, they will be able to enjoy activities in the fresh air and be able to take home their share of fresh, healthy produce. This will hopefully encourage members to take these skills to their own gardens if applicable.

We would also like the opportunity to offer members a chance to take part in other activities, such as working with livestock, coppicing, working with willow, bushcraft skills and other workshops/activities.

Finally we would like to make the project fun! We would like to hold activities throughout the year, such as barbeques, camping, harvest festival, solstice festivals etc. Hopefully this will help the project become a community itself.

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