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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

Wynnstay Gardeners




Who we are

January 2010

Working with residents of a dual diagnosis centre to design and implement a courtyard garden and shared allotment space.

The garden has now been created and is being planted up by residents who can all enjoy the fruit of their labours this summer!

HogCO has been involved with this project since its inception and helped them crystallise their ideas and aims. We provided training on Design and Seed Handling and Planting.

Latest news - July 2010 (scroll down for earlier news items)

Eventful times with the garden, we started the seeds in the garden room while the back garden (which was used as a dump for stuff from the house) was cleared up. Cleaned up, horror, not enough usable soil to plant in the new raised beds! So off to the shops to buy a big pile of topsoil. This arrives in the rain and has to be moved from the pavement into the garden with no clients willing to get wet. Two members of staff start to move this giant mound of soil in buckets and place it where it is required. Then three clients decide that the rain has let up enough to help out and we get the job done as a team.

Seedlings were then transplanted into the beds and have flourished, especially the lettuces. Please see below some photo's of our progress.

WikanikoWork from Home
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