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While our museum is closed because of the Covid-19 crisis you can follow the progress of our 2020 exhibition on the Scribal Styles web site and Facebook pages, links below :-

Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Scribalstyles-106490357652139/

Web Site - https://scribalstyles.net/

Or take a VIRTUAL TOUR of our exhibition of carved Pictish stones here



Welcome to Groam House Museum

Our museum is in the centre of the seaside village of Rosemarkie near Inverness, and entry is free! However, like all other museums, we are closed as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, until we are advised we can re-open. In the meantime you can view our Picts exhibition online here

The museum is renowned for its display of Pictish carved stones. They were originally part of the vibrant early Christian monastic settlement here, around 1200 years ago. The artistic skills of the Picts inspire all age groups. The museum always has activities for children and families. We also regularly hold arts and crafts events in the village, with outreach sessions across the Black Isle and beyond.



One man was fascinated by Pictish interlace and key patterns - George Bain (1881-1968). He worked tirelessly to enthuse others to learn and develop their own designs, hence our George Bain project. We care for his surviving artworks, a nationally significant Recognised Collection

In the summer our exhibition upstairs usually explores the art of George Bain. At other times we focus on the local history of the Rosemarkie, Fortrose and Avoch area. During the winter you can see the collections by making an appointment - just email curator@groamhouse.org.uk

International Day of Celtic Art 
George Bain Art Print

To celebrate the International Day of Celtic Art this year, Groam House Museum has produced a limited edition print for sale online here 



Volunteers Wanted

Please see here for details

2020 Opening Times


Latest Newsletter

Read on-line or download this edition

May 2020


NEW! Take a virtual tour of our carved Pictish stones on-line!

The 100 Club draws are temporarily suspended - memberships will be extended automatically




Groam House Museum is a SCIO: Scottish Charity No. SC004435


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