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Our Eco-Friendly Business

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This company is called Wikaniko. It stands for 'We Can Eco'
Our eco-friendly business wants independent, hard working individuals to share and promote natural and organic products.
Create a second income whilst having a positive impact on the environment.
  • Be your own boss.
  • Work from home.
  • Choose your own hours.
  • Rewards offer for hard work.
  • Full training and support.
  • You will love it.
For further information and with out obligation  visit
 Have you ever wondered about going greener, but didn't exactly know how to go about it? Do you tend to bury your head in the sand when it comes to talking about plastic bags problems, greenhouse gas effects, or the chemical in personal care products that might actually harm you and your children?
At the end of the day, it our responsibility to help protect the world we live in and each and every one of us. Whilst you may think that you alone can't (or won't) make a difference, behind the scenes there is a gentle revolution going on. People all over the country are discovering that going greener not only protects the environment for everyone, they can actually save a huge amount of money on their household and shopping bills too-contrary to the belief that 'green' means expensive
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!
About US
 Wikaniko is proving to be an outstanding success. The products are supplied through local distributors via word of mouth, leaflets, a fascinating home shopping catalogue, a stunning cosmetic and toiletries catalogue and web page.  Here's just a taster: There is a whole range of totally degradable black bags, bin liners, food freezer bags and nappy sacks that do not damage the planet at all. Try out the Bio-Wash Ball that allows you to do your washing without the need to buy any more washing detergent-ever. Then, there are gardening, electrical, and water saving products, along with tips and ideas. There is an excellent range of Blue Frog greeting cards, made from sustainable forests, at very reasonable prices. Moving on, the cosmetic and toiletries are simply stunning. Starting with the NVEY Eco range of cosmetic-so good you can actually eat them- though to organic cotton wool, soaps, natural body deodorants, luxury spa product from the dead sea, through to some superbly priced body care accessories for yourself, or for using as gift ideas.  All in all, there are over 400 products, with more being added on a regular basis. 
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