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The Northern Rhodesia Journal ran an occasional iten under the heading GERVAS CLAY'S SCRAP BOOK

Gervas was on the NRJ editorial committee.  The entire collection of the NRJ is available on the InterNet in image form, but is also being (slowly) converted to searchable text format 

The NRJ was publishd at irregular intervals, in total six volumes were published, numbered i to vi; each volume contained several separately issued Numbers, numbered from 1 to 6, but the pages were continuous through each Volume.

Gervas also occasional snippets to fill space at the bottom of half-filled pages; these appear under the hading "Gervas Clay's Scrap Book".  

Here is a list of Gervas's contributions listed in the NRJ Index - make a note of the Page Number before you click on the Link, which only takes you to that Volime, where another Link will take you to the right Page, in a "Pop-up" window - when you have read it, just kill that Page to come back to here :-

Clark, J. D. and Clay, G. C. R.
   David Livingstone: a chronology, v, 261-267 
Clay, G. C. R.,
   Gervas Clay's Scrap Book
      i, no 5, 42;
     ii, no 1, 80-81;
         no 2, 79-81;
         no. 3, 25            < Shown below as a "sample"
         no 3, 70-71;
         no 4, 105-107.
         no 6, 89-90;       
    iii, 86-87,

   Camels in Northern Rhodesia, v, No.2, 176-177
   Discovery of the Victoria Falls. iv. No.1, 18-21

Here is one such "Gervas Clay's Scrap Book", from Volume 2 No. 3, page 25:-


During the war, in order to conserve stationery, many old files were broken up and letters typed on the back of old letters. Gilbert Howe, as Provincial Commissioner, Kasama, was having a written argument with Gervas Clay, then District Commissioner, Isoka, over some matter. Finally Gilbert Howe ended the matter by writing and telling Gervas Clay that he must do as he was told and not argue with the P.C. Gervas Clay acknowledged the letter on an old piece of paper on the back of which was a letter written many years before by Gilbert Howe arguing with his P.C.


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