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Art Out & About
06 July 2008

During July, I have organized these events as part of the Creative Co-ops art events. The idea is that a group of us go to a different outdoor location every week and do our creative thing; painting, drawing, sketching,sewing,writing,knitting, dancing, playing music,whatever it is. The public see us enjoying being creative. They get interested, they get inspired. We encourage people to 'have a go' then and there, I always carry plenty of spare paper,paint,brushes,small canvas ect.

We did our first one on July  4th (Artists indepen - dance day!) and it was a great day. We had perfect sunny weather and plenty of interest. There were three of us this time, hopefully there will be more next time!Have a look on the web site for more upcoming Art Out events at

If you'd like to join in, do contact me!


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