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New Studio!
26 November 2017

In the spring this year (2017) I was excited to be given the opportunity to have a real work space studio, for the first time ever! I share it with another artist friend, Gill Hamper. She is a textile artist but also likes fantasy art, especially dragons, so we fit together well but don't tread on each others toes, as it were!
New space has brought renewed inspirations, and sparked off an exhibition with like minded 'activist' artists too! 'Tears For the Earth' ran successfully for 3 weeks at the new DC1 Gallery in Eastbourne, and created quite a stir!
The studio space is home to a collective of artists and in the building is also a pottery studio, kiln, and a print studio. Creative hub! which I have visioned for so long for Eastbourne, has finally happened; all thanks to the Devonshire Collective, of which we are members now.
This Xmas we are taking part in the first Open Studios  event there, I hope perhaps some of you will be able to make it along.
Xmas Open studios
02/12/2017, 03/12/2017,
09/12/2017, 10/12/2017
Open 11am to 4pm all four days.
Cauldron Studio is at
DC2 studios,137-139 Seaside Road, Eastbourne,
East Sussex, England

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