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Leaf Hall Festival. 21st July-4th August 2012
29 April 2012

I will be taking part in the Leaf Hall Arts Festival

Leaf Hall Arts Festival

Pre-view evening  Friday 20th July
Festival Open from Saturday 21st July
until Saturday 4th August
Installation by Tania Long at Leaf Hall Festival.
The Sea of Oil and Trees – A Cry for our Oceans.

Much of the plastic packaging we throw away ends up in the oceans.
Walk along the beach and most of the flotsam you will see now is plastic.
Visit this whimsical underwater world, all made  from recycled materials, presided over by Miranda the mermaid, and learn about different sea creatures and how you can help the oceans.
Come and make your own fun fish and sea critters in the recycled art workshop run by the artist, details below:

Fish and Critters!
Art & craft workshop, run by Tania Long.
Thursday 2nd August. 10am-12.

£3 per person. 8 years and up. (Accompanying parents free!)
Make fun fish and sea creatures from recycled materials. All materials supplied but feel free to bring anything along that inspires you!

All tools and materials supplied.

PLEASE NOTE this workshop involves the use of sharp tools/ craft knives. Parents of children 8 to 12 years are advised to join in and help with cutting materials where needed.

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