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Creative Workshps in 2011
19 December 2010

Looking forward to the New Year!

In March I will be running a series of Creative workshops, at Leaf Hall Community Arts Centre.

On Wednesday 27th April my Taster workshops start. Full details below

For ages 18 to 100 + !
Always wanted to draw but too afraid to try?
Think you can’t ‘draw a straight line’?
Or perhaps you would like to brush up on your skills if they have gone a little ‘rusty’?
Fancy a go at painting, printing, collage or clay but don’t know where to start?
These workshops are for you.
Through a series of simple and fun exercises we will engage your creative brain so you can start to see with an artist’s vision.
We will use different art materials and techniques in each taster session for you to experiment and explore, and discover which media you most enjoy.

The aim of these workshops is to have fun discovering your own creativity!


Each session is 3 hours, from 10am to 1pm
Each workshop can be booked individually; attend as many or as few as you like.
Cost: £10 per workshop.
INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS, tea, coffee & bisquits.
Please book in advance, at least 10 days before a workshop is due to run. (PLEASE NOTE: A minimum of 6 students must book for a workshop to run. Maximum of 10 places per workshop. If you have booked a workshop and it is cancelled, you may either choose a different workshop or I will refund your booking fee)

Workshop One (Festival)

Wednesday 27 April

Watercolour Painting & Mixed Media:                                         

Water colour and gouache,coloured pencils,wax crayons,inks.  Laying washes, wet on wet, dry brush, washing out, salt textures, wax resist, watercolour with ink & wash, with coloured pencils.

Workshop Two (Festival)         

Wed 4 May

Painting/printing (messy) 

Finger paint, poster paint, printing ink on paper. Mono prints, string prints, card & lino block prints, potatoe prints, objects & leaf prints,hand & foot prints! Rubber gloves and wipes supplied.                               Please bring a towel to dry your feet.

Workshop Three (Festival)      

Weds 11 May                                                                                               Paper Sculpture, Mobiles, altered art & Mixed Media.                           Paper sculpture, newspaper modelling, tissue modelling,  origami,recyled art. Paints, stamps, coloured pencils.

Workshop Four                         

Weds 18 May

Drawings basics                                                                                          Engaging your artist Right side brain. Sighting, measuring, using negative space. Pencils, charcoal, felt tips, pastels, and wax crayons, on various grounds.

Workshop Five     

Wednesday 25 May

Drawing 2                                                                                                   Engaging your artist Right side brain; size, perspective, textures, composition. Pencils, charcoal, felt tips, pastels, and crayons, on various grounds. Coloured pencils, water soluble pencils, frottage (rubbings)

Workshop Six          

Wed 1st June 

Drawing & Painting                                                                                    Textures, light & shade, form, drawing with ink and a brush, dip pens, toothbrush, twigs, and feathers. Pencils, charcoal, felt tips, pastels, coloured pencils, water soluble pencils, crayons, on various grounds.  Quink ink.

Workshop Seven                                          

8  June

Painting,drawing,lettering.                                                                          Coloured inks. Ink & wax crayons, ink & white gouache ‘etching’  ‘Air brush’ using felt tips. Lettering. Stamps & felt tips. Do feel free to bring a favorite poem or quotation to work with.

Workshop Eight                                           

15  June

Painting: Acrylics & mixed media                                                              Acrylics. On paper, canvas, other grounds. Using with coloured pencils and other media

Workshop Nine                                             

22 June

Printing & painting.                                                                                              Oil, enamels, glass paints, metallic.*Marbling paper. On paper, canvas, metal, glass & stones.Metal foil embossing.

Workshop Ten                                              

29 June

Fabric Painting,  printing, stenciling.                                                      Fabric paint & crayons,acrylic.  Stencils, large stamps, making your own foam stamps, clay prints & mixed media. Please feel free to bring something that you’d like to decorate, i.e. t-shirt, jeans,pillow case.

Workshop Eleven                                          

6 July

Mixed Media; (sticky)                                                                                   Collage, montage (photo collage), photo transfers, flat decoupage. Photos, tissue papers, newspapers, magazines, all kinds of coloured and wrapping papers, sticky papers, felt, fabric, glitter, sequins, beads, feathers, shells. Paints and varnish.   If you have something you’d like to decorate, please feel free to bring it, i.e  a tray, bottle, picture frame, folder, small table, box

Workshop Twelve                                           

12 July                                       

Mixed Media (messy)                                                                                    Clay, plasticine, carving & casting plaster, impasto painting with filler, embedding objects, mosaics, glitter, feathers, beads & glue.


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