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08 August 2015
Coming soon

Coming Soon...
Eye Stone by Sylvie Harrington

The day that 15-year-old Brucie caught a pike in Loch Ussie her young life changed completely.  Inside the belly of the fish she found a strange stone. 

If only she had known it was a Seer’s stone, once owned by Coinneach Odhar in the 17th century, Brucie might have understood the gradual onset of her prophetic visions.  She might have understood her destiny.  

Brucie is the new kid in a small Scottish town, though: a feisty American, challenged by the sadness of her parents’ divorce and eager to make friends.  With unexplained voices now interrupting her daily thoughts, Brucie’s biggest fear is that potential friends might think she’s crazy.  Her second biggest fear is that she actually might BE crazy. 

Will she overcome her struggles and fears, seek knowledge to understand the voices and visions and fulfill her destiny as the next Highland Seer? 

Before she can predict the future, Brucie must first overcome her troubled past and learn to live successfully in the present.

(Eye Stone, due for release in September 2015, is the first book in a trilogy.  Book two, Distaff, and book three, Raven, are due for completion in 2016.)

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