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Marcella Prevost BSc (Hons) IIHHT ESMT Cert. 

 ~ 07712 427 686 ~



Equine Sports Massage Therapy


Equine Sports Massage is the hands-on manipulation of muscle tissue used to enhance equine performance, prevent injury and aid recovery.


The pressures exerted on the ridden / working horse can often result in muscle tension, stiffness and pain.  Left untreated, this can result in soft tissue and joint injury.  Massage can help alleviate these problems, preventing muscle spasms and subsequent injury, and is particularly effective when used as part of a holistic care approach * 


Many horse owners are utilising sports massage to help keep their horses in good physical and mental health.  Using a combination of massage techniques based on traditional Swedish principles, Equine Sports Massage enables increased awareness of muscle condition and assists in identifying problems at an early stage.


Equine Sports Massage helps achieve and maintain optimal fitness, prepares the horse for physical exertion, aids recovery post-event and encourages relaxation.  It also improves range of movement, circulation, athletic ability and the overall health of the horse, regardless of age or breed, from the pleasure horse to the serious competition animal.



*According to the Veterinary Surgeons Act (1966), any massage performed on an animal requires permission from a Veterinary Surgeon or the owner's written and verbal consent.






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