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The Educational Journal of Living Theories (EJOLTs)

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Access the Lexicon of meanings from http://www.spanglefish.com/ejolts/lexicon.asp

Access the open review space from https://ejolts.org/ temporarily unavailable. Currently using http://www.spanglefish.com/ejoltsopenreviews/

Access the Living-poster homepage from https://www.actionresearch.net/writings/posters/homepage2023.pdf

What is Living Educational Theory Research? See http://www.actionresearch.net/writings/ejolts/LivingEducationalTheoryResearch.pdf

The content of this site will develop with the help of those who use it. So, please do contact us with thoughts and questions.

EJOLTs.net will not be using drupal from Jan 2025 as it will no longer be updating. So, a fresh new ejolts.net site is being created. In the meantime you can access the Educational Journal of Living Theories EJOLTs.net . If you are thinking of submitting a paper please drop a note to EJOLTS editor <ejolts.editor@gmail.com> and they will help you with the most up-to-date information.

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