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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.


 There's loads of help out there for the long-term unemployed. In fact, there's a whole industry dedicated to helping us. Most of this help is well-intentioned enough. Some people actually make money out of it.

None of it really works, though. Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

So what's the point of this website then ? try googling for a site that is set up by the unemployed for the benefit of the unemployed. I doubt you will find one...

So I thought I would set this up. It's fair to say that is is a bit of an unusual site. Unique even. You will have to look through it to see if it's of any use.

The bottom line is that this website is about getting back to work. It may go about it in a pretty strange way but hopefully it is useful.

Or at the very least, a bit of a laugh !




Not such a crap World after all.........

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