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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Hi all,


My name is Cath Dolan a.k.a. Dolly and I am offering a service that is both affordable and reliable.

I basically pet sit but I do offer other services including:

Dog walking.

Small animal care whilst you are away or while you are at work.

Larger animal care whilst you are away or at work.

Also plant care given whilst you are away.

I have been a volunteer animal foster carer for at least 22 years so have a vast experience with all different types of animals from rats to dogs and I am now starting out in the pet sitting and walking business so it is a new venture for me which I will take seriously not only to build up trust and understanding between my clients and myself, but, to expand my business in as many ways as possible and eventually be able to give jobs to the local and neighbouring Towns, Villages and Cities.
I have no formal qualifications, but based on my experience I also can offer some basic training for your animals i.e. the Doggy basics or litter training.

I can offer also my opinion* on how to keep your animals healthy and happy but I cannot offer medical advice.

If there is something I have not mentioned on this page then please call or email me I may be able to help.

*this is my opinion and should not be taken literally it is not advice and if in doubt contact your vet.

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