16 January 2017
Meeting January 19th 2017: A New Way of Living

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A New Way of Living: Georgian Town Planning in the Highlands and Islands

Gordon Haynes

Thursday January 19th. 2017, 7.30pm, West Church Hall, Cromarty

Cromarty History Society launches the New Year with a talk that will outline the general change to the way of life experienced by Highlanders following Culloden, consider the designs of planned settlements through history and focus on those that were established between 1750 and 1830 in the Highlands and Islands. He will also look at some of the current designs of new settlements in the Highlands, specifically in regard to the rationale of their layouts.

Gordon Haynes was the first Chief Landscape Architect appointed by Edinburgh City Council and was involved with masterplanning of Livingston New Town as well as town extensions of Kirkcaldy and Beirut. For ten years, he taught environmental and urban design to Town Planning students at Edinburgh College of Art and subsequently gave all that up to run a hotel. He now lives in Cromarty and is a published writer . His book of the same title is the inspiration for this talk.

Cromarty History Society meets in the West Church Hall, Cromarty at 7.30pm on the the third Thursday of each month, September - April

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