09 August 2014
New Talks Programme Anounced

The Society is delighted to announce the new programme of talks for Session 2014-15. Details can be find on the Talks Programme page. There is, as always, a focus on Cromarty itself - with talks on the wonderful Fourways Club for senior citizens, the local poorhouse at Fortrose (known locally as 'the Chenrey Hoose'), our unique State-owned pubs, and an update on the amazing community archaeology project at the Reeds Park which is telling us so much about medieval Cromarty.

Our nearest neighbours are not ignored. We have a talk on the community across the water at Nigg which was largely obliterated when the oilrig yard was built in the early 1970s, and we have a look at the ways in which both Cromarty and Resolis were changed by World War 1. We may never have got a Cromarty railway, but we will learn more about the line that used to run to our nearest railhead at Fortrose.

Of wider Highland interest, but still with a local focus, we have talks on hospitals in the Highlands and on Ross-shire's own regiment in WW1, the Seaforth Highlanders.

Altogether, another terrific programme. Hope to see you there!

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