SpanglefishClaire Townsend Spiritual Medium & Angel worker | sitemap | log in
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Welcome to my website....

Firstly let me introduce myself....I am Claire Townsend a mum of one small 6 year old daughter and happily married.  I am a spiritual medium and an angel worker.  This work is very special to me and I pride myself in the empathy and insight I can give to you during readings and healing etc.  Family is very precious to me and I cherish all the friends I have too and it is the love for them that makes my work so passionate.  I love to speak with them and communicate with them as often as I can and would hate to think that when I pass to Heaven world I would no longer have any form of contact.  I know that the two worlds run simultaneously and this is why I strive to draw back the veil between the two worlds and act as a postman if you like, delivering messages from one world to another....  

The spirit world get very excited to think they can share their news, insights and opinions with you to help you move through your life. Much as they would do here.  You are pleased to know that they are ok and that it really is them speaking to you.  I try to provide evidence of the best quality so that you know for sure who I have got with me.  I trust and believe 100% that what I get is accurate as it quite often means nothing to me!

The angelic realm have attracted me and fascinated me since I was a small child.  I am so thankful to now be given the chance to work with them.  They assist me in my card reading, communicate through the use of colour to me and help me to raise your vibrations to a heightened state during healing.  This not only helps your body to work more efficiently and promote recovery but also to lift you and make you feel better.  I am blessed that they want to work with me and one of my guides is indeed an angel.  Angels will never leave you or let you down and are truly amazing...

I hope you will feel that I may be of service to you and in advance I thank you for taking the time to think about me working for you.  However, I do understand fully if you feel I am not for you as I firmly believe in things feeling right.  Quite simply My guides say "if it feels right it is and if it doesn't it isn't"....  In this way if you would like me to read for you or perform healing then please get in touch on the contact me form and I will reply to you as soon as I can.  Then we can discuss what you want and when.  If you decide I am not for you then I thank you for your time to look at my page and I wish you all the very best for your future life with peace and harmony....

Claire x

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