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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Welcome to Blu Jelleh

We're a small group of people (not even a group, as it's just two people right now) that are working on making games and animations. Not really much else to say at this point, as we only started on Wesnesday the 9th of August. We'll update this as time goes on.

The Team

As mentions before, there are only two of us at Blu Jelleh, and we are:

Ali25FTW - The founder of Blu Jelleh, fancies himself a bit of an artist and is the person you can give ideas/praise/complain to, etc. He also like peanut butter.

Jinx251 - The co-founder of Blu Jelleh, he handles all the coding and technical stuff that Ali doesn't understand (Which can be quite a bit).



9th August 2011 - Ali and Jinx decided to work on a project, therefore making Blu Jelleh umm... what's the word... umm, reality? Yeah, lets roll with that.

11th August 2011 - Blu Jelleh Site was created, but a lot of work still needed to be done.

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