14 July 2014
Berwickshire Group's get placed in the National Championships Musical Rides

Two of the Berwickshire Group Musical Rides which were entered in the National Championships have received a prize.

The Tuesday evening group performed 'The Cavalry Four Step' and was placed 5th.  Performing  this ride were:

Anne Hutchinson riding Dalton
Jan Lee riding Mambys Murphy
Alice Rutherford riding Bart Simpson
Barbara Berkowitz riding Toby
Neil McMurdo riding Charlie Brown


Whilst the Wednesday Morning Second ride performed 'The Linton Ploughman' was placed 6th.  Performing  this ride were:

Lauren Hunter riding Bart Simpson
Johnny Alexander riding Toby
John riding Charlie Brown
Shaun Douglas riding Mambys Murphy



Well done to both groups of riders and their helpers, not to mention the choreographer!

Margaret is going to  collect the rosettes at the National Chanpionships  and have a presentation for each session when the new term starts.

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