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Bernard Knight has been writing for almost fifty years, his first crime novel being published in 1963. Even before that, he was the editor of his medical student magazine THE LEECH! Now he has been the author of over forty books,historical and crime novbels, biography, a apocalyptic novel,  many radio and television scripts, popular non-fiction about medicine and forensic science, twelve medico-legal textbooks, as well as hundreds of articles for newspapers, medical magazines and scientific papers. Born in Cardiff in 1931, he went to school in Cardiff and Swansea and after leaving at 15, became a farm worker, intending to get a degree in agriculture. However, later dragged back to sixth form, he won a major scholarship and applied for medical school. Too young to be accepted, he became a laboratory techician in a pathology deopartment, but a year later began studying at the Welsh National School of Medicine. Qualifying in 1954, he worked in Cardiff Royal Infirmary and Swansea Hospital, then a locum GP, followed by a year as a junior pathologist. Then National Service finally caught up with him and he was called up to the Royal Army Medical Corps at the time of the Suez crisis. He spent a fortnight as a lieutenant, then signed on as a Regular, becoming a captain graded as a pathologist. Having not long married Jean, another laboratory technician, he applied to stay in the UK, but was sent to Malaya where he spent most of the next three years in a military hospital which he says resembled MASH. This was where his writing career really began, as having read most of the crime novels in the NAAFI library, he decided that the forensic content was so poor that he could do better himself. On returning to a lecturership in forensic medicine on London in 1959, he began to write a 'who-dun-it'

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