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Launch date April 2019
Letter page is open now


Hello and Welcome

to those who feel they are stuck between a rock and a hard place

Readers are invited to write in with their problems or with something that they want to get off their chest.

Some may regard this as a sort of confessional website and a means of relieving their conscience while others may feel they want to write about something rather than face someone like a councillor or advisor.

Contributors will remain anonymous by using a user name, or just a Christian name.  Unlike Facebook, no information will be stored on the server and will not be passed to any third party.

Letters will be selected for publication and readers will be invited to give their response with views and advice based on their experience.    Often others have had a similar problem and the writers will have comfort in knowing that they are not alone.

Every letter will be treated with respect and so should any replies, which will be checked before publication and any inappropriate letters will be rejected.

Any views or advice given by readers is not endorsed in any way by Aunt Polly who accepts no liability whatsoever for what is deemed to be written in good faith.



This website is dedicated to the memory of my namesake, Polly M, who sadly died at the age of 101 at a hospital annex.   Polly M was gifted with a sixth sense and inspired the nurses who attended her.

On her 100th birthday she gave a memorable speech to those present, including the local mayor and councillors.  Polly M treasured the congratulation card she had from HM the Queen and will be long remembered for the words of wisdom she gave to others.

Aunt Polly



The user of this website, kindly provided by the hosting service, is not responsible for the advertisements put on to help to cover hosting costs.  They are not endorsed by the user any way whatsoever.
No responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or the content, which is published in good faith.
This is a not for profit website whose purpose is to relieve te minds of those who find life difficult and for others with experience to offer advice to them.
Format and design are copyright and all rights are reserved -  April 2019.

Published by OggleIT for Aunt Polly





















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