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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

This is the website of the Snyman Family - Carol, Colleen, Lynn and Trevor, - of Angmering, West Sussex. 

Welcome to our site. On it we will keep our news and happenings updated, so please visit the "What's Happening" section to see what we are up to. Also please sign our Guestbook.
We will keep the picture gallery updated from time to time as we do new things, so please visit the Gallery.

Please click on the Links tab on the contents on the left of this page and then on the Musings and Memoirs link to see one of my writing sites.

We have experienced a really good summer this year, with warm, sunny days, and far less rain than previous years.

There has been forward momentum in our long wait to be given the right to become citizens of the UK. Carol has applied for, and received her British passport. She is now recognised as a citizen. When voting registration forms arrived here this week it showed her status as British.

My third anniversary was reached on the 19th August, so there are only two to go before I can go through the process of applying for citizenship.

Colleen is fast becoming a really creative photographer, and has had many requests for the pictures that she posts on Flicker. She has just spent a fun week with Petar who made a flying visit to the UK. They crammed more into their week together than most people could do in twice the time!

In the picture below they are at breakfast in Harrods in London

Lynnie has been on holiday with Adam for two weeks, and has attended the Houshold Cavalry Ball in Knightsbridge! Really posh!

My bird list for the UK is growing slowly. I did a spot of birding today and had Reed Bunting and Redstart, both lifers. Also got Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Goldfinch, Cormorant, Kestrel, Green Finch, and the other usuals (Blackbird, Magpie, etc). With Autumn here the passage-migrants are appearing, and it is a good time for birds. There are big congregations of Canada Geese, it is pretty spectacular to see so many in one place. 

Was fortunate to watch a Stoat make a kill, and managed to get some pictures of the little creature in the grass.

Had a neighbourhood braai a few weeks ago, took over the whole of the open courtyard behind our house, and had good fun with a bunch of really good people. 


Autumn now, winding down to Winter. Days are shorter, the clocks will go onto daylight saving at the end of the month. Soon we will have the beautiful snowy landscapes! I am writing my memoirs, and hope to publish a first book as an e-book on Smashwords, so be on the look-out for it! 








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