SpanglefishAlan Flarry /German Lops | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

WELCOMETo my site, about German Lops, My success at the shows,The Standard required to show them, News about forth coming National Club Shows, and anything else, to create a interest in the lovely Breed of Rabbit On this site, I'm going to talk about my own skill or hobby. I'll give a bit of history on the subject itself, as well as some background on how I got involved in it. I might also include some instructions on how to perform my hobby, as well as any tips or tricks I've acquired through the years. And, of course, I'll include lots of pictures of the results of my hobby or of me enjoying myself doing it. Also included, will be my son Joseph's involvement in the hobby as well.



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