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Mr Pengelly's website
29 March 2010

Mr Pengelly's Website

Before we enter the Weird World of Adrian Pengelly it's worth noting that the April 2009 version of his website made no secret of its origin:

Copyright © Adrian Pengelly and Bongo WebDesign 2009

Created by Alison Derrick (Bongo WebDesign)

(Alison Derrick is Mr Pengelly's live-in girlfriend.  She is also a professional web designer, which explains why his site is a cut above the barely literate and eye-wateringly ugly sites favoured by many New Agers).

This is important, because as his 12/03/10 court appearance approached Mr Pengelly claimed in all seriousness that the site had absolutely nothing to do with him, that  he had no control over its content and that he never even read it! 

Visitors to the old site were greeted by a startling claim:

"He is famous for his work with both people and animals, and is especially well known for his successful cancer treatments."

"Successful" cancer treatments?  I'll say this for Mr Pengelly, he doesn't beat about the bush.  Again, I have no idea what he means by being "famous", at least outside a small coterie of New Age believers.  I've spoken to many people with much more experience of researching paranormal/alternative beliefs than I have and not one of them had heard of him.  Still, it's interesting to know that a totally unqualified person is using his website to advertise cancer treatment. 
Now let's take a look at Mr Pengelly's background and healing methods.  Apparently he first became aware of his healing skills in his late 20's after visiting a "psychic fair".  After healing a friend's migraine his fame spread far and wide by word of mouth, but we  are assured that Mr Pengelly didn't go into the healing business for filthy lucre:
"For most of his career Adrian has not taken any payment for his treatment..."
However, he is now a full-time professional healer.  His website gives no indication of what he charges but  his testimonials  give the impression that he is paid on a "whatever you can afford"” basis; he also offers various courses and workshops, the cost of which isn't specified either.
Readers are told that Mr Pengelly's clinics are held at two venues, Red Hill Farm at Bromyard, Herefordshire, and Oakley Farm, Droitwich, Worcestershire.  Patients at Red Hill can also take advantage of the skills of John and Julie Evans, "experts in muscle testing for nutritional deficiencies" - another nonsensical New Age therapy.  It's rather worrying to see that at both venues
"...priority is given to children and patients with serious and terminal conditions."
Mr Pengelly's home page continues:
"Adrian is considered by many as the most gifted healer of his generation."
Really?  By whom?
"The effectiveness of his work has become known around the world, his reputation spread purely by word of mouth and the belief held in him by thousands of people. He heals by sending healing energy through his hands into a patient's body either directly hands-on, or over thousands of miles using distance healing."
For someone whose healing skills are famous round the world Mr Pengelly had a rather underwhelming internet presence in April 2009, but then again he uses that elusive "healing energy" without which no New Age wonder-worker is properly equipped.  With all that energy sloshing about in the atmosphere (I use the word energy in a completely non-scientific sense, as does Mr Pengelly) it must be damned hard to work out who is healing who.
"He has been healing since the early 1990's and since that time has worked with tens of thousands of people and animals. The vast majority have been successfully healed often beyond all medical expectation and have seen their lives changed forever."
That's one heck of a claim, and I hope Mr Pengelly is able to provide evidence for this in the form of REAL people with REAL medical records.  Unsupported testimonials have absolutely no value as evidence; they are merely anecdotes, and the plural of anecdotes isn't data.
However, before we examine Mr Pengelly's testimonials from cured cancer patients let's have a closer look at how his treatment is supposed to work. 
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