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31 July 2009

THE NEW WEBSITE WILL BE LAUNCHED IN TIME FOR THE NEW SEASON,IT WILL BE TOTALLY DIFFERENT TO THIS WEBSITE & WE NOW HAVE A WEBMASTER IN MIKE PINK.IT IS HOPED THAt during the season for certain games the website will updated during the action,will have pictures added straight after the game  & generally a lot better,professional than the current website that was only ever intended to be a stop gap to get us out of the situation we were in last season.It is also hoped to have pen pictures of all the players,staff,management team etc,so you all get to know the team & also the team behind the team.

The club are also pleased to announce in addition to our shirt sponsors we also have a sponsor on the sleeve,along with a sponsor on the rear of the shirt.

The new season really is a new start with a bigger squad,new squad,full colour programme,new website,new kits,new training wear,new sponsors,new coach,repainted ground,etc etc these really are exciting times in the life of the club are we are glad that you our supporters will be there to enjoy it.There will be plenty of opportunities for our loyal supporters to get involved in your club in addition to new players etc on the pitch we have a boardroom host,matchday fundraising officer,webmaster,football in the community officer,commercial team to go with the loyal band of other volunteers that we have at this great club.

All these people are working tirelessly to bring the best to the club to take us up a level but also whilst preserving all the good points the club stand for that the previous chairman John Taylor started.

Roll on season 2009/10. Tell all your friends about the exciting times at the club Fennys on a mission that mission is the title ,why not come along for a hell of a ride & see if we can deliver the title.

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