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26 April 2009

Upon reflection of the events of yesterday,the club feels it is time to stop dwelling in the recent past & to move on & move forward with the club & the personnel at the club.

We genuinely want to thank all the people who have helped us this season from start to finish,including those on & off the pitch that are no longer at the club,we thank you for the part you played in this season,to those of you that moved onto other clubs we thank you for your services & wish you well in your football careers,to those of you that left or where replaced off the field again we thank you for your efforts,for your time,for being their in the first place,we are sorry it did not work out,but those of us still at the club felt the action that was taken was in the best interests of the future of the club,only time will prove if we were right or wrong,we may have caused upset by some of the things that have happened but we took an overall view for the future of the club,we would now like to close this chapter,we wish all of you well with any other clubs you are now involved in,the season has now ended,with the exception of our cup final,we are now looking to the future,what has happened has happened,we are planning for next season,obviously it is inevitable there will be changes in playing personnel again something that we dont want to happen but it  will happen because that is the nature of the football game we all love,its part of the passion,we now look to enjoying the final,we have overcome some big obstacles this season ,but to reach a final & to still finish fifth is still a good season,professional pride & passion again makes us wish it would have been higher.

This was brought home when for the second season running a visiting team celebrated as champions on our patch,we believe next season it will be us,even if it is not we will give it a damn good go.

We would like to thank all the friends we have made this season,in terms of new support,representatives of other clubs,league officials etc.

Lets  put the past to bed,hey we are waking up to a bright new future.

our thanks to everyone for an interesting & enjoyable season for a whole number of reasons.

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