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short term aims achieved.
16 April 2009

since the club was sorted  out on 19/12/08,the short term aims of those at the club made then have all been achieved.

A.To increase attendances, the average has gone up a third since the start of the season.

B.To make it a friendly atmosphere,like in the Taylor family days,achieved judging by letters,emails,comments received from fans,league officials & the community.

C.To bond the squad,management team,committee etc., achieved you only have to see in the clubhouse afterwards.

D.To reach the league cup final,achieved.

E.To move the club up the league,achieved we may only finish fifth,but its a lot higher than we were in the dark,critising days of october & november.

F.We have people pledging sponsorship,support,help,to join the monthly draw all for next season now the committee & the management team will sit down in the summer & sort out some more goals for next season.

The committee+the management team +the players+the supporters all united as a team,thanks to all those involved in 2009 for making it happen.

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