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04 April 2019Church notices 7th April 2019

Welcome to Laggan and Newtonmore Church of Scotland.  An especial welcome to visitors.  Tea and coffee will be served after the service.  In St. Bride’s there will be informal communion immediately after the service in the side aisle.  All are invited to join with us there.

  • This Wednesday the Lenten reflection will be in Laggan church at 5.30p.m. for 20 minutes.
  • Next Sunday the worship team will lead our service.
  • Roy Alexander has spare sets of Freewill Offering envelopes if anyone would like some, then please contact him.
  • There are also extra copies of “Life and Work”.  If anyone would like them, the price for the rest of the year will be £20.
  • The service of linking for Kingussie with Laggan and Newtonmore is planned for April 23rd at 7 p.m. in Kingussie church.  This means that the new service times will begin from April 28th!
  • You can read today's sermon "Passiontide" here (opens a pdf in a new tab)

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