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28 February 2019Church Notices 3rd March 2019

Welcome to Laggan and Newtonmore Church of Scotland.  An especial welcome to visitors.  Please join us for tea and coffee after the service.  This is a service of Holy Communion and we invite all who love our Lord to join us around the table.  There will be retiring offering taken for the work of Dr. Sarah Pickworth with Nepali orphans.

  • Rhyme Time meets on Tuesday at 10.15.
  • On the Wednesdays of Lent at 5.30 p.m. we will be having short services of prayer and reflection for about 20 minutes.  These will alternate between our churches, and the first one, this Wednesday (6th) will be held in St. Bride’s church.
  • Next Sunday the services will be taken by Rev. Mary Ellen Thomson, while the minister leads worship in Kingussie.
  • On Sunday 17th March we will hold a joint service in St. Bride’s at 10.30 a.m.  This will be followed by our Stated Annual Meeting at which we will also vote on the proposed Basis of Linkage with Kingussie.  This will be followed by a soup and pudding lunch.
  • The Foodbank in Aviemore is short of the following items: Tins of meat, Tins of Vegetables, Tins of puddings.  If anyone is able to donate these items, they can be given to Ron Gutteridge or taken to the Blythswood shop.
  • Don’t forget the stamp collection which goes to fund World Mission projects
  • You can read today's sermon "Jesus the Challenger part 6" here (opens a pdf in a new tab)

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