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Welcome to my WebSite !

...and Thank you, Spanglefish, for providing this "soapbox" at no cost to me.  Dear Reader, be warned, though !  The price you pay is seeing the ads on every page - which pay for the costs.   The provider is paid by the advertiser on a "per click" basis, so please occasionaly click on an ad - it costs you nothing; there's no "come back"and helps the WebSite to survive.

Please note that any Link on the Right or at the bottom of the page is an advertising Link that will take you elsewhere.

If you have arrived here following a Link in Pam Shurmer-Smith's excelent book, "Remnants of Empire", then you need to click >here< to go straight to the LINKS page, or click on that tab on the left of your screen.

In the Library (see tab on the left, or click >here<), you will find various articles that I have written which may amuse you.

More will follow.

Please let me know what you think, by leaving a message.

This is just one of my many WebSites on a variety of topics.  My parents left a large quantity of "papers", and I have been scanning them and "putting them UP"

Here is the list as it stands today, 6th July 2022:-

Click for Map
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