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27 April 2011

 Please note addendum below main text (January 2006.)



They also believe in SRAM - yep, we know it's incredible but it's true.


Check out the PAN 2004 and 2008 updates further down this page.


Christo-Pagan agitators seek converts via PAN website guestbook

Will YOU be next?

(September 2002 e.v.)


For years we at PAN have worked tirelessly to warn the Pagan community of the hardline Christian fundamentalist  crusade to target all New Age belief systems. Because of this factor we have ourselves been subject to hate attacks from missionary Christo-Pagans troublemakers who see us as a ‘barrier’ to their plans to glean converts for Christ. 

We warned about the Pagan Federation’s latest unbelievable attempts to ‘interfaith’ with the fundamentalist machine. We also proved what odious lengths the PF will go to in order to stifle genuine debate, most notably via Pete Jennings’s (ex-PF president and interfaith high-roller) groundless insults against PAN  and  his criminal libel against SAFF & the Sorcerer’s Apprentice.  This particular situation is well described throughout our entire website for all to see. SAFF also covered the story on: Please write to SAFF at 31 Kings Ave, Leeds, LS6 1QP for a hard copy of their coverage of this situation.

The latest attack against PAN comes from an insurgent outfit run by a self-appointed moralist hiding behind the name ‘Antistoicus.’ This person recently rushed into PAN’s guestbook crying out that by combating the fundie game plan to target paganism we were acting like the Klu Klux Klan, suffering from a misplaced sense of ‘victimhood’ and generally ‘ranting and raving’ in a most hateful way. Incidentally, Antistoicus was not the only crusader to attack PAN as we received (oddly at about the same time) some rather aggressive correspondence via email from one Natalie Price who described ‘herself’ as a ‘Teenage Christian (Methodist) witch. How's that for utter confusion!

More strangely, PAN entered into a serious debate with Price, which eventually dried up following some testing questions from us about her personal theology and understanding of the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth created by the fundies. At the same time Antistoicus was challenged about his own website by correspondents on our guestbook. One reader who obviously had some understanding of the current situation hit him with the following:

“Antistoicus - "Constructive relationship with Xtians" Get real, like many others you are clearly being played like a drum by theocratical forces that are based on gospel-based 'evangelism' but cannot see it! Or alternatively YOU are a sleeping 'agent provocateur' for the Church's crusade mission to Paganism itself! Come on admit it!”

Antistoicus was unable (or unwilling?) to answer this serious accusation and failed to respond. Yet another reader exposed his game plan with the following quote.

'Sally G' is right regarding this 'Church crusader' called ANTISTOICUS. On his 'own' website it says clearly, and I quote:

 "I'm off the clock and like any other 'CHURCH GOER ', I get to be myself" This pseudo-pagan even states on his site - “WICCANS ARE NOT WELCOME AS GUESTS ANY MORE." Point proved - Xtian troublemaker exposed! What lengths will they go to target pagan folk?


PAN has checked this site named THE ALMOND JAR ( and this quote is indeed true. Moreover, his site is rather ‘Anti-Wicca’ in nature, consider the following quote:

“Wiccans remain barred from the Shrine, even as visitors, for historical reasons. Our openminded Eastern Orthodox and Catholic neighbors are welcome to come to the festivals. In many ways, I think they will find themselves at home.”


The conclusion from all this? Antistoicus/The Almond Jar is perhaps nothing more than yet another clandestine MISSIONARY OUTREACH TO PAGANISM. It is pro-Catholic yet anti-Wicca! It claims to revere the old gods and Christ (at the same time) in a typical theocratic mish-mash of ‘pic ‘n mix’ spirituality. The silence from Price and Antistoicus speaks volumes and strongly indicates that PAN has upset their little applecart. They will of course, like many others instead now be seeking to sell their nonsensical Christo-spin to others in the pagan community – please don’t let it be YOU!  

This is yet another example of the wholesale sanitisation and watering down of paganism, so beloved of crusading evangelicals (posing as pagans) and nothing more than a subterfuge to hoodwink naïve seekers into full gospel-based worship.  It’s an old tried and tested ‘missionary’ method that has gained the fundies a plethora of naïve converts from native pagan faiths throughout history.

Change the names of the deities then water down ‘pantheistic’ philosophy/worship until it becomes ‘monotheistic’ i.e. ONE GOD biased (in this case Jesus-based).  Simple but highly effective and so easy it is for clever evangelicals to overrun young ‘wannabe’ pagan seekers and train their minds into ‘questioning’ their own beliefs until the conversion process in complete. This method is of course nothing but a common form of ‘brain- washing’ that has been implemented by man in his quest for power over others that failed to comply since time immemorial. 

We have recently reported on how easy the ‘Chelmsford Pagan Moot’ ( was infiltrated by the massive evangelical ALPHA organisation. We also have proved how easy it was for the Christo-Pagan, interfaith bunnies to influence and subvert the PF. Don’t let it happen to you!


These religious fanatics will use fair means and foul to get their ongoing missionary crusade plans into any pagan camps – they have done it before and will do it again! Why? Because they see it as part of their biblical duty to convert others to their own brand of intolerant bible-based credo.

Pagans remain attractive ‘Conversion Targets’ to the fundie machine so please be aware of the smiling Christo-Pagan in sheep’s clothing. They rely on a certain liberal open-mindedness possessed by some pagans mixed with frequent gullibility to achieve their aims.


We say it now as we have said it many times before:

Interfaith with ‘tolerant’ faiths, which are not absolutist in their nature is just 'fine' with no problem there,  yet interfaith with fundamentalist regimes, who simply want new converts, is total insanity. 

For the love of the Goddess and liberation from man-made, organised religious herd mentality - do not allow these monotheistic pretenders (Christo-Pagans) the opportunity to turn the old earth-orientated faiths into something they are not.  Do not permit them to turn the beauty of wholesome natural paganism/witchcraft into yet another sad denomination of the larger Xtian Church.

Make no mistake, the ideologies of Christianity and witchcraft/paganism are totally different and only a person ignorant of these clear distinctions would be silly enough to entitle themselves as a ‘Christian witch or pagan. Any fool who ‘really’ believes that they can be a Christian witch or Christian pagan has obviously been totally bamboozled by the type of Christo-Pagan mind-manipulators like those named above or is actually ‘one’ of them, put in place to infiltrate and eventually undermine paganism via such missionary techniques.

Sadly, this situation has bitten deep into the heart of paganism in both the UK and abroad. It can however be stopped as long as those of us in the know refuse to fall for the con.


Incredible but True!

Christian Witches believe the evangelical lie about SRAM!

Update April 04


Since PAN produced this article in good faith as a warning to the unwary the attention seeking, so-called  'Christo-pagan nitwit, Antistoicus, has been active seeking to gather support for his very silly and untenable position. In the process he has given away much including his real agenda which is to disenfranchise pagans/occultists everywhere. Anyone with half a brain will realise that PAN and SAFF have discredited all cases of SRAM via years of research, analysis, documentation, voluntary assistance from supporters and sheer hard work. Now get this - our Christo/pagan friend Antistoicus has admitted for all to see that he believes that children are being or have been abused by Satanists.   The ramifications of this admission should sound alarm bells in the ears of all pagans worldwide.

 Yes folks, the self-appointed spokesperson of the wacky Christian witch brigade thinks that the hardliner evangelical activists (who cost the UK taxpayer alone over twenty million quid chasing nonexistent satanic hoaxes and destroyed numerous innocent families in SRAM - orientated dawn raids involving police/social workers)  were 'right' and that occultists are abusing children.

PAN would ask this bozo - 'just what evidence' he bases this claim on?

Put up or shut up (or simply grow up)!

For evidence of Antistoicus's disgusting claim surf the following Eurus Live (Pagan Federation's) forum link wherein  he clearly states to another correspondent: 

 "Looking at his site, the main recipients of his support seem to be Satanists, not Pagans. SRAM, a term I've never seen anywhere but on Pat's site, stands for "Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth", one of Pat's favorite activities apparently being going after people who speak out about the abuse they suffered growing up under parents involved in Satanic cults. Not Wiccan, not Pagan, Satanic."

In light of this worrying revelation, PAN poses the question:

Do 'all' so-called 'CHRISTO PAGANS' (i.e. Christian witches ) believe in SRAM?

If they DO then no wonder PAN/SAFF frequently suffer from their vile hate mail, misinformation, black propaganda  and abusive diatribe. Taking a positive position, as we do, against the evangelically - inspired Satanic Abuse Myth it's no wonder that these Pic 'n Mix religious chumps find us so unpalatable. Telling the truth obviously has this effect on them.

If this were not enough evidence to prove beyond doubt what a total ignoramus Antistoicus  really is then check this one out too.

A trouble making Christo-pagan (calling himself 'Medius') had a lot to say for himself on our guestbook some time ago. The entries are still there if readers wish to check them out. Now this person gave their website URL as the very 'same' one as Antistoicus and supported him in his comments.

 Later we were informed that this bozo was having a LIBELLOUS go at PAN and SAFF (Pat Regan 'named' - data of course saved) on the Witchvox site.

No prizes then for guessing WHO this Medius is. Same site URL, same abusive diatribe and coming from the same place as our cowardly little chucklehead Antistoicus.

* by Medius (Chicago) - Email

"PAN/SAFF is an anti-Christo-Pagan hate group, which occasionally branches out into defamatory attacks against groups like the Pagan Federation which have worked to build positive relations between Pagans and Christians. PAN, ironically enough, stands for "Pagan Antidefamation Network", and SAFF for "Subcultural Alternatives Freedom Front". They're really the same group, though, headed by Pat Regan of Great Britain."

Now anyone who knows Chris Bray (SAFF founder) will be quite sure that he is not the same person as Pat Regan (and NO you cannot have a picture) and that both PAN and SAFF are different organisations run independently of one another. They are not nor ever have been the same group and to state as much merely proves the pure ignorance and gross understated stupidity of the original claimant.

Antistoicus, Medius or whatever silly name this vocal but apparently clue-less chump wishes to hide behind has proved to the world what he and his Christo-pagan ilk really stand for which is namely the destruction of genuine paganism for a replacement mish mash philosophy based on utter ignorance, wholesale deceit and self-centred egotism.

Don't let these misleading and VERY confused activists get away with it!

Keep paganism real, keep it FREE  and challenge this dangerous Christo-Pagan madness at every opportunity!

* NB. The defamatory remarks on the link given above by Medius have now been removed by Witchvox.


Addendum - Jan 2006.

A few odd quotes by Antistoicus:

" calling itself PAN, run by Pat Regan of Leeds, in England."
"FreeYellow engages in pro-bigotry censorship"

  "Think on this one, before doing business with them. The pages regarding
PAN on the FreeYellow server will be replaced with redirects to pages with
the same material on other servers, run by businesses with less hateful
attitudes. Our webmaster has already told me that if I need a place for 
the PAN pages, that he'd be willing to host them on his own personal site
with links back to our own site. I, myself, am currently shopping for a
new provider. It's a little hard to picture continuing to keep a religious
site on a server owned by a company which not only condones bigotry
directed against those of our faith, but is willing to engage in
censorship in order to shield that bigotry from criticism. It tells you
what kind of people you're dealing with."

Freeyellow, we believe, will certainly NOT appreciate this foolish latter rant. Sure  glad folks that we aint in Antistoicus' boots!

The amusing little crank who hides behind the lofty title ‘Antistoicus’ may think he is immune from certain actions yet PAN believes that he is MOST certainly not.

Quote Antistoicus: “FreeYellow engages in pro-bigotry censorship” .

This and similar ‘derogatory’ comments prove clearly how foolish this person actually is and we predict that he will regret such diatribes. We also predict that he will change them rather quickly when he realises the gravity of his action - or perhaps he's to thick to realise!

What is Antistoicus on? Pat Regan does not “live in Leeds” as was erroneously claimed. In fact Pat has never even visited that old Yorkshire town. Is this the accuracy and  precision of data we can always expect from this strange person on a regular basis?

Will Antistoicus, Medius or whatever stupid pseudonym this abject 'plonker' is now going under, have the maturity, fairness and decency to 'apologise' to Pat  for this blatant fabrication of truth? We fear not – he will doubtless just seek out yet more unsuspecting  web space to continue his disconcerting ravings against PAN or anyone else that fails to accept his bizarre ideals! One born every minute? Man oh man you betcha!

Bizarre claims by the very 'odd' Antistoicus that ‘defamation’ has occurred are untrue and simply a figment of this odd person’s own comical mindset. Nothing but the ‘truth’ of events has been printed on PAN site and this has clearly driven Antistoicus to wild distraction, hence his incredibly silly internet attacks on us.


Antistoicus violates policies? 


Antistoicus’ “MIRROR SITE” now either does not exist or has been 'terminated' for violating policies.


This says it all...........



Other sites too have also sought to warn others about this chucklehead's peculiar  nature and how

 his worrying rants always seem to get him the adverse attention he craves! He may enjoy hiding

 behind silly pseudonyms but his blatantly immature ego  always appears to let him down at the most

 inopportune of times - he has  our deepest  sympathy as it must be sheer HELL just being him! 

Unlike events in the strange, 'SRAM-promoting'  world of Antistoicus, PAN info is of course, as usual, highly accurate (it has to be) and the above is just one small example of how the forces of subjugation, and in this event, total 'silliness' wish to 'do us down'. We shall however continue to present, in good faith, the truth with evidence as we assess it for the good of all genuine occultists everywhere.

We could of course go on until, the cows come home (or at least until the poor little confused Antistoicus grows up)  - but what would be the point? Clandestine agendas are par for the course in religion as they are in politics!


Addendum has recently (2008) removed yet more offensive material of a defamatory nature written by the abusive Antistoicus against PAN. Sadly the internet is full of odd types who like to hide behind strange pseudonyms. Thankfully, internet hosts are well aware that these anonymous cowards cannot continue to stalk the innocent without ramifications and final exposure.

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