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AGM is a success!
27 January 2010

Last night the AGM for the village hall was held and was a great success.  3 new members joined the committee to help boost our numbers to 11, the most there has been in a good few years!  New members are John Whyte, Diana Morrison and Tamara Laing.  We're very happy to have some senior school pupils on the committee to help give us some feedback and ideas about what the younger members of the village would like to see happening in the hall.  Janice McLeod retired from the committee after 7 years service and her place as chairperson has been taken by Tanya Morrison.  The positions of vice-chair, secretary and treasurer have be kept on by the current members in those roles.  Work is already underway on organising our usual events as well as this years gala day which will be on Saturday 3 July.  It was originally to be 17 July but with Rod Stewart in Inverness that day it was thought it might not be a good idea to try and compete with him!  Fingers crossed for good weather this year!!

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