SpanglefishJessica's Fanclub | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.



Welcome to this new and exciting page. Called "Jessica's Fan Club" Would you like to know the story on how this was called "Jessica's Fan Club" Well.

One Day Me And Megan were sitting about on the computer and we decided to make a website, and Megan sugested to call it "Jessica's Fan club" I dont know why she did, but she did. So since... a while ago, this has been running, ive noticed a lack of commitment from my fans, and i am very dissapointed. Anyway, You may leave your comments and shizz... But i may just tell you know, netiher me or megan, remember the password to this thing, so thre is a good chace you wont have any replys. Sorry fans!

Dont worry... MEGANS FANCLUB is starting soon!


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