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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/03/2011.
Prayers and Elevenses
30 May 2011


Prayers and Elevenses Friday May 27th
Last Friday, friends gathered together for Prayers and Elevenses in Inverness. The chosen prayers and readings for the morning were on the theme of
“The Will of God”:
God’s Will, the Divine Will, for mankind and our obedience to His law, submission to it and satisfaction with what He has ordained. The readings encouraged lively discussion over coffee.
This was the second of a series of devotional programmes featuring prayers and readings on the qualities and attributes of God. These qualities were given, as names by the Bab, to the nineteen months of His new Calendar in the 19thC. The calendar used by Baha’is to-day.
Will” is the name given to the eleventh month of the Baha’i calendar.
The theme for the next Prayers and Elevenses will be “The Knowledge of God” and will be on the last Friday of June.
If you have something to contribute from your own literature please bring it to share.
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