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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/03/2011.
Happy Mother's Day
18 March 2007
I know that Mother's Day is mainly a commercialised event in the annual 'card shop calendar'.  We should of course love and honour our Mothers every day of the year, but just to 'go with the flow' here is a small quote from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá  to remind us how important the job of being a mother is............ Happy Mother's Day to all you mums!!!

…following the precepts of God and the holy Law, suckle your children from their infancy with the milk of a universal education, and rear them so that from their earliest days, within their inmost heart, their very nature, a way of life will be firmly established that will conform to the divine Teachings in all things.
For mothers are the first educators, the first mentors; and truly it is the mothers who determine the happiness, the future greatness, the courteous ways and learning and judgement, the understanding and the faith of their little ones.
Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

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