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Prayers & Elevenses
08 February 2007
On January 26th we had an enjoyable morning of prayers and readings based around the theme of Service to Humanity. The Baha'i, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist Writings had one basic theme running through them that, by serving God we are serving humanity and that we must do it in a selfless and dedicated way,without prejudice. I enclose one of the Christian readings chosen for the programme. "O Lord, teach me to serve Thee as Thou deservest. To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to heed the wounds, To toil and not to seek for rest, To labour and not to ask for any reward, Save that of knowing that I do thy will." (prayer of Saint Ignatious Loyolla) Although there was just a small group of us, on this occasion, we enjoyed the prayers and the companionship. However we hope there'll be more of us next time...we ate far too much cake!! Next one on February 23rd. Theme: "Nature of the Soul". Look forward to seeing you.
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