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30 May 2010


Prayers and Elevenses April 30th 
Prayers and readings on these occasions are drawn from different religious and secular traditions into a prepared programme with music but everyone is invited to bring along an extra piece to share.
On Friday morning (April 30th) several of us met together for prayers and a chat over refreshments. The words, on this occasion, were from Baha’i, Buddhist and the Jewish faiths on the topic of Spiritual Justice.
What soon becomes apparent when reading from different faiths is the common thread that runs through them.
Here are some very short extracts from the recent Prayers and Elevenses.
They shall fear Thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations. (Old Testament)
He who knows right from wrong, who is learned and guides others - not by violence, but by the same law, being a guardian of the law, shows intelligence: he is called …..just.     (Buddhist scripture)
If the community would endeavour to educate the masses, day by day knowledge and sciences would increase, understanding would be broadened, sensibilities developed, customs would become good and morals normal;
in one word in all these classes of perfections there would be progress, and there would be fewer crimes. (Baha’i scripture)
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